ITUS Interview 05/08/22
MM: Your video "Sturgeon" is flying high and had over 10,000 hits already how pleased are you with it
REINIER: We are happy with the reception and are getting ready to release more videos.
MM: where was it filmed and is there actually massive sturgeon in that lake
REINIER: Sturgeon was filmed at a cottage up at Pointe Au Baril, Ontario which is an inlet of Sturgeon Bay.
There are actual big Sturgeon a bit further out into the bay, but otherwise just local slimy fish people.
MM: Why the band name ITUS
REINIER: One day while Brandon and I were at work repairing airplane parts, we decided to go for a big lunch.
When we got back we both were close to a food coma. It was hard to continue working that day.
At this time we had started brainstorming band names that embodied stoner, doom and sludge metal.
That work day ended well with Brandon and I deciding on ITUS as the name of this thing.
ITUS has 3 core meanings:
A Greek Mortal loved by Apollo for his skill in hand to hand combat. Itus even defeated Aries in a fight.
ITUS or ITIS refers to any disease.
Lastly, ITUS is a slang term for food coma, or when you eat so much you need to take a nap.
MM: What are the band's plans for the rest of the year festival and tour wise
REINIER: We are trying to focus on writing and playing local shows for the next while to keep building.
We have big plans for a full length album next year. We also have a theoretical plan in the pipe to leverage our connections in aviation to score cheap flights to the UK and do a mini tour out there.
MM: What's the most memorable concert you've been to (other than your own) and why?
REINIER: When I was 15 I saw Cannibal Corpse, Severed Savior and Black Dahlia Murder at the Opera House in Toronto. It was BDM's first ever tour and I already loved all the bands that played, but holy did it stick with me.
I met a bunch of my metal heroes that day and became mystified by the idea of doing it myself.
MM: The choice between a long music career or a short-lived career with fame and fortune which would u choose
REINIER: A balance of both would be awesome to be honest, but I have no illusions and I'm just happy to be able to play music with my friends, and pour my soul into what I love for as long as I or we can physically do that.
Ideally some day, I no longer have to pour all of my own money into it as well, but I’m okay with balancing that too.
MM: What was the first album u ever owned
REINIER: I think the first album I owned was Korn's Follow the Leader, but it may have been Chocolate Starfish and the Hotdog Flavored Water by Limp Bizkit. I may have been 11.
MM: If you were a musical instrument what would u be
REINIER: I would like to be a piano, but I'm probably more of a Tuba.
MM: If you were in quarantine for a week which band or musician would u have with you
REINIER: I would resurrect Jimi Hendrix and attempt to jam with him. I have been trying to improve my clean vocals. Our next songs will feature more of that mixed with harsh vocals.
MM: Four words to describe ITUS
REINIER: Atmospheric, catchy, heavy, dark
1.Vinyl or digital
REINIER: Digital
2.small intimate gig or festival
REINIER: festival
3.maple syrup or beer
4.saint or sinner
REINIER: sinner
5.bear or moose
Final Words for your fans our viewers and listeners
REINIER: Thank you to everyone watching and supporting us. We won't let you down with the next pile of sludge. See you out there.